27th September 2024

Search Hunstanton Town Council

Serving the people of Hunstanton

Who we are and what we do

Hunstanton Town Council consists of 17 Councillors. They vary from being in office for many years to just a few months. Each Councillor has a duty to represent the electorate of Hunstanton and receives no remuneration for their hard work.

The Council meet at least twice a month in the Council Chamber, usually the second and fourth Wednesday of the month.

The Council has 6 Committees comprising of General Purposes & Community, Finance & Property Management, Environment, Planning & Personnel.

Each Committee may have Task & Finish groups which are small investigative sub groups.

The 4th Wednesday of the month is when the Full Council normally meet, here representatives from the Borough Council, County Council and Norfolk Constabulary make representation.

Members of the public are allowed to attend all Council Committee meetings unless otherwise directed by the Chairman, however they may not participate.

At each Full Council meeting there is an agenda item for members of the public to put questions to or to bring a matter to Councillors attention.

The current Mayor is Cllr. Michael Ruston, it is his responsibility to chair all full Council meetings, in his absence the Deputy Mayor Cllr. Adrian Eden takes over the role. The Mayor is requested to attend many functions which he duly obliges whenever possible.

The Town Clerk is Mrs Jan Roomes, her office is on the second floor of the Town Hall. The Administration Officer is Louise Parton and the Property Officer is Mr Steven Roomes.

The office opening hours are Monday to Thursday 9.30 am to 12.30 pm, closed Friday, although the Clerk is quite happy to see people outside these hours and can be contacted on 01485 532402 or by e-mail to clerk@hunstantontowncouncil.gov.uk

Property Officer can be contacted on 07484 837098



We have 5 Committees:

General Purposes &Community Committee - Chairman

Finance & Property Management Committee - Chairman

Planning Committee - Chairman

Personnel Committee - Chairman

Environment Committee - Chairman

Council Policies

Town Council Opening Times

The Town Council office is open:

Monday 9.30 am - 12.30 pm

Tuesday 9.30 am - 12.30 pm

Wednesday 9.30 am - 12.30 pm

Thursday 9.30 am - 12.30 pm

Friday Closed

Jan Roomes

Jan Roomes

Town Clerk

01485 532402

Last updated: Fri, 19 May 2023 22:50