27th September 2024

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Serving the people of Hunstanton

Neighbourhood Plan

Contact email address for Hunstanton Neighbourhood Plan: clerk@hunstantontowncouncil.gov.uk

Hunstanton Neighbourhood Plan

Hunstanton Neighbourhood development plan policies have been created with input from the local community. These policies aim to give a local voice on Hunstanton planning decisions for years to come.

The Plan is now in its final consultation stage, the comments made will help the borough and an independent examiner decide on whether the neighbourhood plan meets the statutory requirements before a referendum on whether it is adopted or not can take place. The dates of the consultation are

Tuesday 30th March 00:01AM- Tuesday 25th May 17:00PM

The full plan and additional documents can be found on the Website of Hunstanton Town Council and the boroughs consultation page.


Paper copies may be obtained from the Clerk on 01485 532402

Comments and other representations about the proposed neighbourhood plan must be made in electronic form via the Borough Council's on-line consultation portal at 

Kings Lynn & West Norfolk - Consultation Home (objective.co.uk)

or by email to 


Alternatively comments may be made in writing. Please post responses to the:

Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk at King's Court, Chapel Street, King's Lynn, Norfolk, PE301EX.

Once the consultation has occurred the Hunstanton Neighbourhood plan if approved by an examiner will proceed towards a local referendum on whether it should come into force.

On the next page is a brief outline of the Hunstanton Neighbourhood plan

An Introduction to the Hunstanton Neighbourhood Plan

The vision for the Hunstanton Neighbourhood Plan has been developed on the basis of the views and opinions of the local population. Hunstanton is an ambitious town that positively embraces sustainable development and change, whilst respecting the town's significant historical roots and natural assets. Hunstanton should be a creative and distinctive town where residents are supported and visitors welcomed into the community. The future of the town should seek to ensure the highest possible standards in all forms of development that meet the needs of its businesses and residents. Sea front developments should reflect the need of the tourism industry, visitors and locals. Access to the sea front and a permeable design philosophy (access to sea front and retention/development of sea views) is key to this being achieved. There was deep feeling locally that the area needed to be nurtured, protected and guided into the future – and that the best people to do this are those who live here. From the vision, the objectives have been developed and the policies of the Plan have been designed to deliver this vision and objectives. Neighbourhood Plans must demonstrate they contribute to sustainable development and these goals and objectives are closely aligned to ensure this.


A. Encourage balanced and sustainable development

B. Environmental – Preserve the character and open aspects

C. Economic – support business and employment

D. Housing – Ensure that sufficient housing provides all sections of the population with dwellings appropriate for their needs and a good quality of life

E. Building standards and design

F. Social – Improve quality of life through accessible community facilities

G. Infrastructure – Use development to improve infrastructure

In addressing these main issues, POLICIES have been created to ensure that all new development meets the needs and aspirations of the Community.

J. Sustainability and the Environment

J1 – Fundamentals; J2 – Natural Environment; J3 – Open Spaces and Local Green Spaces; J4 – Allotments; J5 - Community Green Space Design; J6 – Dark Skies; J7 – Green Separation Zones

K. Housing, Parking and Garages

K1 – Size and Mix of Housing – Housing Need; K2 – Design, Style and Materials; K3 – Footprint of Buildings; K5 – 'Affordable' / Shared Ownership Homes; K6 – Infill Developments; K7 – Parking Provision; K8 – Off Road Parking; K11 – Houses as Principal Residences

L. Employment and Business

L1 – Development of Shops, Workshops and Businesses; L2 – Employment and Access; L3 – Location in or near Town Centre; L4 – Home Working; L5 – Mobile Phone and Broadband Provision; L6 – Provision of Car Parking Areas

M. Infrastructure

M1 – Education and Health Care Provision; M3 – Protection of Local Community Facilities

This is a very brief outline of the Hunstanton Neighbourhood Plan. To examine the details of the policies, and the background and reasoning in composing the policies, then reference has to be made to the full plan which also contains details of Heritage Assets, Community Facilities and Green Spaces.

Full versions of the neighbourhood plan and related documentation are available on the Town council website https://www.hunstantontowncouncil.gov.uk/ and printouts are available on request from the town clerk clerk@hunstantontowncouncil.gov.uk

Last updated: Mon, 29 Mar 2021 17:03