27th September 2024

Search Hunstanton Town Council

Serving the people of Hunstanton

Allotments in Hunstanton

The Northfields Allotments Club was formed in November 2002 as the result of negotiations between Hunstanton Town Council and Plot Holders of the Northfields Allotments site. There are thirty eight full sized plots on the site many of which have been split into half plots to tackle the long waiting list.

There is a clubhouse, a composting toilet, storage compound and an annual Open day is held every year with a good level of attendance.

The Club is also in the process or building a raised bedding area for disabled users.

Administration of the site is in the hands of a Committee, there are six members at present, Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Minute Secretary, Social member and Plot manager.

If you are a full time resident of Hunstanton and are interested in an allotment plot please contact the Town Clerk at clerk@hunstantontowncouncil.gov.uk for more information.

Last updated: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 12:56